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Key Points in Readings

One of the key points in readings is rationalization of the fact that teachers have to devise unique ways of teaching their students if they want to achieve the goal of educating and have the desirable effect from it. This is because it is becoming increasingly clear to educators that students who attend school are so diverse in their characteristics and behaviors, and this diversity has a great impact on the way they learn. Student diversity is defined in the context of ethnicity, language, socioeconomic class, disability and gender. Students are also quite dissimilar in characteristics that are critical to learning, such as the ability to socialize properly, attention span and the aptitude for concentration as well as issues with mental development.

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Another key point is that as a result of this great diversity of student’s composition in the classroom, there are many challenges that arise in teaching these classes, especially early in the student’s life. However, there are also great opportunities for educators who are willing to employ creative and effective practices that incorporate the inputs of administrators, colleagues, families and the community at large in order to establish learning environments that are responsive to the varied needs of all learners. The other key point is that the education curriculum must be developed in such a way as to take into consideration experiences that can enable students to look at events, concepts, issues and themes from different perspectives (Scott, 2001). These perspectives should widen as the students progress in life such that they do not end up forming whole new typecasts.

In instructing students, the forgoing key points can be applied so as to make the class environment a comfortable and interesting place where learning is not a burden. This essentially requires that one develops practical skills for “building on strengths and improving on weaknesses, meeting the individual needs of students, examining the possibility of biases, establishing meaningful dialogue with students and parents, building positive collegial working relationships, and keeping up professionally” (Kirylo, 2006).

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