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Religion Article Critical Analysis Example
The author posits that Islam is primarily subjection to God’s will and not necessarily the practice of Islam. He uses the term ‘Islam’ from a perspective of the meaning of the word, as opposed to its religious connotation of the religious practice. The assertion that the five pillars of Islam are common in the belief systems of all religions deserves more discussion. While many religions, such as Christianity, practice the five pillars of Islam in an attempt of getting to submit to the God’s laws, the manner, in which this is done, differs from the Islamic perspective. The author asserts that the essential characteristic of religion, as portrayed in Islam, is a submission to God’s will. While this may be true in the monotheistic religions of the West, such as Islam, Judaism, and Christianity, it does not hold true for the religions of the East, which put a lot of emphasis on the corporeal issues. Eastern religions, such as Buddhism, also believe in the notion of submission to God’s will, but their belief is geared towards personal improvement through reincarnation and betterment of the person, rather than coming to knowledge of God (Donohue, & Esposito, 2006).
The author quotes the Koran in asserting that all people on Earth have been allowed to practice their religion, and in their own way. As such competition in religion is good, since it leads to a promotion of virtues. The prophet Muhammad is supposed to engage in cooperation with other faiths in order to promote virtuous living. While competition may lead to the increase in virtues and cooperation, the author neglects to consider that competition leads to inefficiency in any matter of living, and religion would not be an exception. The author posits that coercion should not be used in religion, since all religions have the same belief in the creator, who is God. While the major religions have a belief in God as a creator, the author has failed to take into account smaller religions, such as the African traditional religions, and voodoo, which believe in spirits rather than God as a creator. Cooperation with these religions would be problematic, since the sense of virtue in these religions is different from the Islamic perspective of submission to the God’s will (Reynolds, 2012).
Submission to the God’s will, according to Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, is achieved through submission to the will of God in refusing the vile nature of worldly pleasures. The use of the term ‘rejection of the signs of God’ is, however, problematic since the notion of God is not uniform among the world religions. Christianity does not agree to worship Allah, the God of Islam, positing that the Christian God is different from Allah. Islam does not also respond to the signs of Christianity, such as the Trinity, and the Messiah (Donohue, & Esposito, 2006). While the Koran asserts and believes in the books of the Gospel and the Torah, it rejects some of their aspects, such as the Trinity and the Messiah, which are elemental aspects of these religions.
The issue of which religion ought to be flowed is a controversial topic in Islam, since the Koran is not explicit on this issue. The Koran asserts that all those that have a belief in God and Judgment are doing the God’s will. The Koran forbids disagreement and reviling with people of other faith, since, by reviling other religions, one may spite God. The Koran thus asserts that, while Islam is a submission to God’s will, and, therefore, a true religion, there are other religions, which may ascribe to the same values, and are ordained by God. Muslims, therefore, ought to respect all other religions, since they do not know which are true, or which are not (Reynolds, 2012). Islam should, therefore, be an agent of cooperation and understanding among religions.
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