Servant leaders think beyond normal realities to make their activities better and engrossing (Macky, Gardner & Forsyth, 2008). The servant-leader is wholesomely submissive to the need of obtaining long-term goals within the organization (Burmeister, 2009). Looking deeper into some of the other characteristics foresight comes in as the characteristic that enables the servant-leader to develop a thorough understanding of the lessons from the activities carried out in the past while considering the present, and the prospecting what may be happening in the future (Burmeister, 2009).

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The Servant Leader Theory and Conflicts between Generation Cohorts

Stewardship also applies as a major characteristic of servant-leadership where the leader makes an assumption of commitment to serving others and his or her needs (Broadbridge, Maxwell, & Ogden, 2007). Servant-leaders in this context hold their institutions in trust and prospect a general good for the society (D’Amato & Herzfeldt, 2008). In addition to this, commitment within the organization particularly of the leaders is ideal. The leader purposes to invest in individual growth, and this keeps the employee steadily within an organization for long (Lyons, Higgins, & Duxbury, 2007). The employee is appreciated by this type of leadership; therefore, pressing leaders to believe as if they must try to nurture the profession of an individual and necessitate personal growth of the individual whereas on the same note considering his or her colleagues (Clancy, 2007).

Last among the characteristic is building community. In this case, the servant leader is always aware of the challenges within the community in the process of shifting to large organizations. Therefore, the leader works hard to make sure that this happens (Burmeister, 2009). The main idea in this case for leaders is to thrive in building communities while meeting the stakeholder’ needs within the organization (Braid, 2008). These characteristics of servant-leadership are best applied in the Information technology field where business professionals experience almost the same working environments in resolving some of the problems being experienced by significant organizations currently (Burmeister, 2009). For any field, within the broad context concerned with people servant leadership has worked always well and its fruits have been evident on the same note in handling some of the challenging issues (Macky, Gardner, & Forsyth, 2008).

The theory of Servant Leadership as well as its context has been at the frontline of organizations in resolving outstanding conflicts that occur between generation cohorts (Burmeister, 2009). From the theory, the concept is simple in that leaders in particular organizations are being revealed having influenced how individuals perceive their jobs and how they are satisfied with the same (Terjesen, Vinnicombe & Freeman, 2007). When the leaders are submissive to the demands of the subordinate business professionals, they tend to draw the attention of the business professionals who are appreciated and are motivated. It is a similar case with behavioral theories that espouse that individual behavior determines the relationship between individuals and this determines the preferences. Servant leaders are like a reward to the individual employee who feels comfortable in an environment where his views are appreciated and his voice heard (Burmeister, 2009).

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