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To process a crime scene is an extensive and tiring process of obtaining meaningful leads and gathering of any evidence enough to help in contemplating what actually took place at the scene and help get to the right suspects. (Byrd, 2009).

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The Process a Crime Scene and Types of Evidence

Types of evidences. Evidence can well be described as the collected data at a place where a crime has been committed or from other related areas.

  1. Blood marks, Suggestive stains e.g. sperms stain.
  2. Impressions: This include tool marks, shoe marks and finger marks.
  3. Fluids such as vomit and saliva.
  4. Substances like drugs: Drugs found on the scene are normally taken to the laboratories for further analysis. They should be carefully tied to avoid spillage. The writings on the medicine bottle or envelope should not be left out.
  5. Fibers: Examining fiber helps to find out the colour of its original garment hence it may help in identifying the colour of the cloth which the offender was wearing.
  6. Hair: Human hair can lead to a lot of revelations if found on a crime scene. It can clearly determine the race of the person whom it came from and the specific body part where it came from. Hence it can be useful in determining whether the victim and the violator are from the same race. If the hair is stuck on an object, leave it as it is until it is taken to the laboratory. Since this involves a rape case, it is wise to get some hair samples for further tests.
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Firearms such as guns or knives: When handling arms which have been collected at a crime of scene, one should be extra careful. A loaded gun must not be sent over to the laboratory. One should take it by person and not pass it over. Also don’t attempt to fire it before it’s handed over to the laboratory. Get its secret numbers and its make to avoid confusion. Do not touch it with your bare hands or else you will end up leaving your own fingerprints on it. However bullets should neither be marked nor cleaned before they are examined. (Baldwin, 2010). 

  • Documents e.g. a suicidal note or an anonymous note. Every document found to be helpful in getting the suspects should be submitted to the laboratory. Their handwriting or message may be vital in the process of getting the answers.

In this case, there are various types of evidence that may need to be collected to help in further laboratory tests and investigations. Forensic evidence, such as blood, finger marks and DNA may be essential to help in identification and elimination of suspects who may have committed the crime. Since the victim is already dead, the chance of conducting an interview is out of the options unless there was a witness who watched the whole ordeal. If there is no witness, personal items found at the scene, stains and both finger and foot prints should be carefully examined ensuring that none of them is lost or contaminated by touching. This is referred to as physical evidence and is contrast to biological evidence which involves fluids, hair and even the victim’s saliva (Rams land, 2008).

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