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The implementation plan would be dedicated to the walk in Minute Clinic in California for the colorectal cancer risk prevention among children with obesity.

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First of all, in the scopes of this research paper, it is important to rely to the fact that the set of studies have proved that obesity is deeply interrelated with the high risk of developing several types of cancer: esophagus, colorectal, breast, kidney, thyroid, and gallbladder. 

In addition, it is important to rely to the fact that in the timeframe of the last several decades, the total share of the overweight and obese among children has increased markedly. In addition, the obese people have got the higher probability of the coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes and a set of other chronic diseases (Parkin, 2002).

While taking in account the statistical data about the demographic situation in the region and the situation with the child diseases in particular, it is obvious that there is a need in additional child-oriented healthcare establishments in order to improve the current situation.


According to the study, which has been published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, those children, who have got the colorectal cancer are not tending to fare in the same manner as the  adults with the disease. The core reasons for such trend are the following: tumors in children age are more aggressive; and the second one is the fact that there is a general trend that children are diagnosed later than the adults. There is a hypothesis that the colorectal cancer among children is also related to the obesity, even while taking in to account the fact that the frequency of this diseased is relatively low – one for 15 million of children (Paskett et al, 2007).

It is possible to hypothesize that the colorectal cancer among the children as it is deeply interrelated with the obesity; in the same manner as in the case with the adults, it is important to pay additional attention to the fact that currently, in the developed world and in the U.S. in particular, obesity in the children age is considered as the complex disorder. According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), the prevalence of obesity increases rapidly in all paediatric age groups. This factor does not depend on sex, race and ethnic. It is considered that the following factors play the role in the development of obesity: lifestyle, eating habits, metabolism, genetics and environment. At the same time according to the statistical data of the healthcare establishments, more than 90 percent of the colorectal cancer cases are idiopathic both among children and adults. Only 10 percent of the colorectal cancer cases are directly associated with the genetic or hormonal reasons. The specific aim of this study is evaluation of the rate of interrelation between the obesity and colorectal cancer among children.

Currently, the majority of the state population is living in the urban areas and, in turn, requires additional attention to the health condition of the urban population – air and water pollution do not make positive impact on the health condition of the local people. As a result of obesity, I would like to support the ratio of risk of the colorectal cancer among urban and local population with the diagram of the estimated percentage of children living in the urban and rural areas. In my opinion, children belong to the category of the patients, who require special medical attitude and treatment due to the fact that the process of their health formation takes its place at the moment. According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2009, American Community Survey definition, 7.9 percent of children, belonging to the groups of risk (0-17) live in the rural areas, and the rest 90 percent belongs to the urban population of the state (Bunce, 2006).

It is obvious that both urban and rural life has its pros and cons for the health condition; that is the main reason why special treatment is required in both cases. As an example, it is possible to consider the obesity. Approximately 55 percent of children from 2 to 19 years old are considered as the obese or overweight, and in the urban areas this number reaches 45 percent (Licie Pakard foundation official web site, 2011).

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While taking into consideration the statistical data about the demographic situation in the region, and the situation with the child diseases in particular, it is obvious that there is a need in additional child-oriented healthcare establishments in order to improve the current situation.

In addition, there is a wide application of the health insurance in the state and in the case when it is not available, the treatment cannot be offered. Those families, who have not got the health insurance due to some reasons, cannot be provided with the healthcare services and in the case when their children become ill and need the professional aid, their parents have to go to the emergency rooms. That is why at the moment there is a demand for the healthcare establishments for children, which can combine the health insurance programs with providing the healthcare services on the ordinary conditions (First five California official web site, 2012).

That is why in the walk-in clinics children departments are required for the healthcare system in the region improvement. The core advantages of such healthcare establishment imply the following issues: the high quality of services, the possibility of being served without the medical insurance, and cost effective care, in the situations when the prompt consultation and treatment is needed in the cases of the life treating circumstances.

The personnel of such clinics are skillful and attentive to each patient. The humanity is the core value and the professional attribute of the physicians, employed in the walk-in clinics of Minute Clinic. In addition, the staff is board-certified and that is why the friendly and caring environment is provided for all the patients and for the children in particular. The approaches positive both for established and for the new patients; but in addition, the established patients are provided with the discount system and with the customer loyalty program.

In order to prove the competitive advantage of the Minute Clinics, I would like to compare them with usual emergency rooms, which serve those families that do not have the medical insurance. For those patients, who are already established in the Minute Clinics, there is a system of integrated electronic medical record. This system connects all the providers of the clinic to the common medical record, and that issue, in turn, provides the personnel and the patients of the clinic with a possibility of immediate availability of the decisions and treatment, made in the walk-in clinic by different specialists. This information may be applied into the practice with the 100 percent guarantee of their reliability and accuracy and that minimises the risk of medical failure. In addition, there is a possibility of using the state-of-the-art laboratory and ray in the case if it is needed urgently (Blumberg, 2006).

The last argument for the walk-in clinics’ competitive advantage is the fact that there is an established informational relationship with the primary care providers and the routine visits are simplified by such system. This issue, in turn, improves the quality of the treatment and its technical simplicity for the patient (Lorber, 2009).

That is why the parents of the children, who need the urgent care, can see the competitive advantages of such clinics and make their choice of whether to visit the emergency care room, or the walk-in clinics’ children care department.

The next issue, which requires additional attention in the scopes of implementation plan, is the fact that the service for the family care, and care for children in particular, does not require new buildings or establishing the new entities in the healthcare. It is the improvement and extending of the existing walk-in clinics services and that is why it does not require additional expenditures for the buildings or establishing the new entities.

The only issues needed are the following: the new data base implementation into the practice, employing the children’s doctors’, and purchasing the special equipment for the children care.

The target audience of such services implies the families, which have not got the medical insurance due to some reasons: its high cost, lack of knowledge in the area of insurance, or some personal motives. Such families may be the families with the low income rate, or immigrants (Ulene, 2008).

Such clinicsare the integration of the multiple healthcare options: consultations of the professionals in the healthcare, providing the healthcare services; consultations for the pregnant women; diet and fitness consultations and urgent medical care (Cohen, 2010).


To conclude, I would like to say that the main competitive advantage of the practical implementation of the children care in the Minute Clinic in California is the meeting of the current demand of such service in the healthcare. Due to the fact that the expensive medical insurance covers all the expenditures of the treatment, the majority of families with the average or high income rate are satisfied by the currently existing situation, and at the same time, there is a paradox of the system when, in the case, the family does not possess the medical insurance, the treatment of all the members, and children in particular, is not the accessible service in the ordinary clinics.

That is why in the majority of cases, parents are trying to carry out the medical treatment of their kids at home, and that in turn, leads to the negative outcome for the health and further mental development of their children. Only in the emergency cases, they do visit the emergency rooms, where the specialists are not motivated to provide the extended and continuous treatment for the children.

That is why practical implementation of the children care in the Minute Clinic is the best possible solution for the families of immigrants, for the families with the low income rate, and for those people who are temporary located in the state of California, tourists in particular.

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