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Modern life offers a lot of career opportunities for the young generation. Career choices strongly effect the life of the young individuals therefore these choices have to be well-considered and weighed. Choosing a career is a very responsible step which requires a thorough study and examination in order to chose a profession that will not only bring personal satisfaction but will also provide the opportunity to be financially independent. Primarily, it is vital to determine the demand on the chosen occupation in order to evaluate correctly its real perspective. Then, it is necessary to analyze personal inclinations to certain activities associated with the occupational choice. In other words, an appropriate career choice has to be a perfect balance of the individual’s talents and the social demand on the career. Therefore, it is important to examine the situation in the existing labour market and read the forecasts of professional career analysts. The paper presents the evaluation of three major appealing careers among a wide range of different career opportunities. The first one is meeting, convention, and event planner, the second one is farmer, rancher, and the third one is food service manager.

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CMP and CGMP Certificates Comparison

Meeting, convention, and event planners are nowadays considered to be the representatives of successful career choices. Typically, meeting, convention and event planners meet with clients to comprehend the goal of a given meeting or event, create the plan of the event with appropriate location, program and timing, evaluate the cost of the event with due regard for bids from service providers, and coordinate the whole scenario of the event or meeting including place, transportation, food services. Meeting, convention and event planners take full responsibility for the event and ensure they meet the requirements of the client. This career is perfect for people with well-developed critical thinking abilities, social perceptiveness, and communication skills implying active listening and speaking with full attention to the details provided by the client. A professional meeting, convention, and event planner is to be committed to time management, coordination and monitoring along with the ability to make rapid judgments and decisions. Choosing the career of a meeting, convention, and event planner allows to chose from the following positions: an association planner, a corporate planner, government meeting planner, a convention service manager or an event planner.

The choice is to be made in accordance with the individual’s interests and preferences. The work environment of meeting, convention, and event planners may be generally characterized as fast-paced and demanding. A typical meeting, convention, and event planner spends most of the time in the office coordinating and planning the minor details of events and meetings. At the same time, this career choice offers regular visits to different locations and sometimes even exotic countries with the goal of finding the perfect place for the client’s event or meeting. In the majority of cases meeting, convention, and event planners work for private companies and approximately 9 percent of all event planners are self-employed working for business and political organizations, hotels, trade shows or universities. This career opportunity seems very appealing in terms of broadening of the outlook, activity, connections and travelling. At the same time this career may leave no time for anything else but work as it requires a 24/7 dedication and availability in order to coordinate all the aspects of a given event or meeting.

Therefore, it is more appropriate for young unmarried people without family responsibilities. To become a meeting, convention, and event planner one needs to obtain the bachelor’s degree in marketing, public relations, communications, business or hospitality management and a minor related work experience in planning (less than a year). Preference is always given to those candidates who have hospitality management work experience or a bachelor’s degree in hospitality management. Consequently, a meeting, convention, and event planner may chose to get two possible certification training: the Certified Meeting Professional (CMP) and Certified Government Meeting Professional (CGMP). Both of these certificates are not compulsory, nevertheless Certified Meeting Professional (CMP) increases the chances to be put in charge of a major meeting or convention. A Certified Government Meeting Professional (CGMP) is a voluntary certificate for individuals who are willing to work for the local, state, federal, or government correspondingly affecting the general income due to the scale of the federal events or meetings. In order to become a certified professional it is possible to volunteer in the planning activities of the university while studying to get the bachelor’s degree in a bachelor’s degree in hospitality management. A candidate must have a minimum of 3 years of meeting management experience, recent employment in a meeting management job, and proof of continuing education credits in order to become a Certified Meeting Professional (CMP) and a six-month membership in the Society of Government Meeting Professionals and at least a one year experience as a meeting planner to become a Certified Government Meeting Professional (CGMP).

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According to the analysis of the year 2010 there are 71,600 jobs for meeting, convention, and event planners. The projected growth of the field for the period 2010-2020 is faster than average and is approximately 30 percent and the projected job openings for the given period is 45,000. The job prospects for the future are more than positive as the careers is in high demand. The median income of the career is $46,020 per year. Nevertheless, the median character of this number indicates that the income can be higher and depends on the level of the organized events and meetings. The perspective of getting at least $50,000 per years seems very appealing and is sufficient for a young growing specialist. The explored career of a professional meeting, convention, and event planner has evidently confirmed that this career is a good choice in terms of income and prospects. A young active individual can strongly benefit from becoming a professional meeting, convention, and event planner.

The farmers, ranchers and other agricultural managers represent the career opportunity dealing with supervision of the crop production, its fertilizing, planting and harvesting. A farmer is expected to find new ways of raising crops and livestock in accordance with the conditions of the market, federal programs and the general condition of the soil. Farmers, ranchers and other agricultural managers select, purchase, operate and repair corresponding farm machinery, serve as sales agents for their livestock and crops, and keep all the records revealing the financial situation in terms of taxes, production and employees. In order to become a farmer, rancher an individual has to aquire a profound knowledge of the present nuances of the agricultural sector in the country, have developed planning skills in order to plan in detail the choice of crops and the rotation of the livestock, demonstrate rapid react to fluctuations in prices, predict possible diseases, forecast weather conditions and track federal farm programs in order to avoid losses.

ASFMR Accreditation

A farmer, rancher may either be self-employed or work for the government in the spheres of agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting. Approximately eighty percent of the working farmers and ranchers decide to stay self-employed and the other twenty percent are agricultural managers with a set salary. The major part of the farmer’s working hours is spent outdoors performing physical work and minor time in spent performing office work. Farmers chose to concentrate their efforts either on crops and vegetables or livestock but sometimes handle both of the spheres. The career requires a full-time dedication as the next-year planning and work output analysis makes a significant part of the job. Managing a farm demands a lot of knowledge and physical work from an individual but the major negative perspective of the job is that the output and income of a farm are strongly influenced by changes in federal farm programs, fluctuations in prices, weather conditions and even diseases. In order to become a farmer it is necessary to simply have a high school diploma, nevertheless a bachelor’s degree in agriculture will allow to obtain a good income from this career choice. The college students interested in agricultural management may decide to focus on agronomy, agricultural economics, farm management or dairy science. A professional farmer may chose to evidently prove his or her level of professionalism by receiving the accreditation of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers (ASFMR).

Such an accreditation is possible only under the condition of having a bachelor’s degree and four years of work experience in the sphere of agricultural management. The income of the given career choice reveals direct correlation between the individual’s income and the years of work experience. It is possible to become a farmer without the bachelor’s degree or certification but this will dramatically affect the wage downturn. The career of a farmer is not in high demand nowadays, nevertheless the amount of related jobs was 1,202,500 in 2010. The job outlook for the period of 2010-2010 reveals a moderate nine percent decline of the career. By 2020 234,500 people are expected to enter the agricultural management field. The general development of the career strongly depends on the direction of governmental decision related to the agricultural sphere and on the involvement of the young generation. The median income of the career is $64,660 per year which as sufficient amount of money for a career that does not require complex educational efforts. In spite of all the benefits of the career of a farmer and a high annual income the exploration of the career has revealed that it is a choice for less ambitions individuals or those who decide to stay committed to the field and dedicate their lives to it due to the continuity of a family career.

The Career of a Food Service Manager

The career of a food service manager is the career of a person who takes responsibility for the management of the daily routine of restaurants and other establishments that serve beverages and food for their clients. The major task of a food service manager is the customer satisfaction achieved by means of proper employees, high level of quality of the products and commitment to national safety standards. A food service manager is in charge of scheduling work hours and is the person who assigns the duties of the employees, keeps financial records, and promotes quality customer service. The career implies the individual’s dedication to the restaurant’s performance and affect on the customer’s health. It requires active learning, listening and speaking, good time management skills, the ability to implement management of personnel resources, social perceptiveness and developed critical thinking. Typical food service managers work in different restaurants, cafeterias, dining rooms, fast-food chains or establishments that have a kitchen like hospitals, offices and schools. Almost half of the food service managers are self-employed. The job may be very prospective in terms of restaurant administration experience nevertheless it is a career choice in the first place for an individual that is highly competent in the sphere of food and knows the process of cooking on the inside. This is the primary reason half of the career representative work for themselves and therefore possess a restaurant or a cafeteria. Food service managers are trained to become as counter attendants, cooks, waitresses, and waiters. In order to qualify as a food service manager an individual has to present a high school diploma or its equivalent and have at least one year of work experience in a food service establishment.

Nevertheless, the position of a restaurant manager requires a bachelor’s degree in the field of hospitality or food service. A food service manager can obtain the voluntary Foodservice Management Professional (FMP)certificate revealing professional competence. According to the 2010 research there are 320,600 related to food service management and 59,100 are expected to get involved in the field by 2020. The career is a subject of a moderate nine percent decline as its development depends on the economic factors leading to the inability to open more food service establishments. The median income of the career is 48,110 per year which insufficient in terms of time dedication and absence of concrete perspectives. The career requires a lot of time as the working hours of a restaurant and cafeteria do not correspond to the standard work hours. Another aspect revealed through the examination of the career is its potential excessive stressfulness and the absence of a major future prospect.

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