I have to write an essay, but I don't know where to start! Got same problem?

No, I know what to write!

Oh, yeah!

Learning in College

As much as we share common classes and learning material, the approach and learning style varies completely as per individual student. I discovered that the way I learn was unique from others. My concentration during lesson is shallow but a lot of learning happens when I study on my own through reading. The span of my concentration while reading last only for two hours after which I need to take a break. I also discovered that I am not good in making notes during lessons in class like most of my colleagues do.

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I would like to present my personal way of learning. During lesson in class, I pay a lot of attention to key words from the lecturers. After every lesson, I take time to reflect on my brief notes and relate to common set up without having to read from other materials. Once I manage to picture out the content of the topic on the related field of the study I can then enter into exam room without fear. I also appreciate discussion more than reading because it gives me a better understanding in a shorter time than long time spend in reading on complex materials.

The extent of preparation before attending a lesson determines the level I will accord to information disseminated by the lecturer in class. Waking up early in the morning and having a preview of what I am expecting to learn gives me focus and helps me to research on questions that relate to that topic. Having the right meal before a class also gives me energy to think and have maximum concentration in the entire duration of lecture. Therefore I will grasps faster or slower a topic depending on my level of preparedness.

When I joined the institution of higher learning, I thought it was going to be an easy ride because I loved the course that I was going to pursue. I was disappointed when I was told that I was to cover other courses that sounded difficult and with little or no relationship with my area of interest. I was active in and out of class. I did well in class and participated in sports, theatre and dance. The first theatre production I did was in first year and I loved all the performances I took part in. I staged dance performances during cultural days and other events in campus. Theatre clubs asked me to choreograph dances for their performances which catapulted me to newer and higher levels in both my career and art. It was very exciting yet humbling, I walked up the long road to campus faithfully to go dance with my fellow students.

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I am glad that campus gave me a chance to involve in arts. It boosted my confidence. I can now stand on stage, not just to act or dance, but to talk teach and inspire others who still want to pursue their career dreams and yet participate in co-curricular activities. I was also allowed to be myself in the university that builds both character and intellect. I studied hard and used my time wisely. It is not only about books but there are other things that happen in campus that are very interesting. The skills I acquired are still with me and are helping me in developing my career and building on arts. I am currently running a dance company which is a source of my livelihood. Education has helped me on my way to personal perfection and societal excellence, through the acquisition of deeper knowledge by means of true research methods, academic integrity and spiritual values.

At this level of my studies it is worth looking back over the long journey of my achievement. What is amazing me is my outstanding records of excellent performance. Ever since I have stood out of the rest and portrayed a greater ability of understanding and faster learning skills. I have been witnessing my colleagues reading extensively than I do but when it comes to exams I perform much better than them. What is so interesting about me is how I apply less effort to my class work only later to perform well in exam more than everyone else. I have always been regarded as a joker by my colleagues because I seem to take everything for granted. I love fun and spend much of time in school doing extra- curriculum activities. I am member of drama club and I spend much of the time practicing on the part I play. The only time I concentrate on my class work is toward exam time.

My sporting behavior plays a major role in boosting my performance. I have outstanding concentration during lectures and my ability to recall what have been taught is excellent. These two traits are attributes of my active participation in drama. Drama involves a lot of reasoning and memorizing the events to be presented on stage. This sharpens my intellectual ability than the harm that my colleagues tend to perceive wrongly. Another good attribute of my excellent performance is writing skills. I do not have a good history of my English but due to my creativity in drama activities; it has improved my writing skills. It came to my notice that lecturers are convince to award good marks to a legible papers than a paper which is rich in points but poorly presented. It is also important to appreciate the capacity of building through other co-curricular activities.       

Putting on the computer and reading through e-mail post has greatly become part of our daily routine as an excursion to the mailbox. The rising reputation of e-mail has made me wonder how I would have ever survived without it. E-mail has made my life a lot better over regular mail. The speed, low cost, and expediency is what has made me to be passionate about e-mail, nevertheless, it would be imprudent for me to ditch the post office altogether. For a number of purposes, e-mail is a poor replacement for “snail mail,” equally in my private live and in the business world.

There is no denying that e-mail has a lot of reward over regular mail. The most observable advantage is the speed. I can send e-mail around the world in a matter of minutes with no more attempt than it takes to press a few keys on my computer. It is this speed that has led me calling ordinary mail “snail mail.”

E-mail also has given me benefit of cost effectiveness. I have managed to save quite a lot compared to what I would have spent in the regular mail. I have over many times access to e-mail for free at work or at school. And while I may pay for e-mail through an online service, there is no swell in cost comparative to the number of messages sent. It is the similar worth to send one message to one person as it is to send messages back and forth all day or to a hundred people. Finally, if I deem the costs saved in long-distance phone bills in adding up to the costs saved in postage, I surely come out ahead.

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