Basic Speech Writing Tips

Speech Writing Tips

Here are some tips on how to create a speech to win the audience:

Choose the Main Points

There is no need to include too many ideas in the speech. The findings of many studies prove that people remember just a few points from what they hear. It is better not to talk longer than a minute and focus just on one or two key ideas.

Writing Like Talking

One should remember that a speech is not a response essay. The audience will listen to it, so it should sound conversational. There are some tips:

  • Sentences should be short. Using three short simple sentences is more effective than one long and complex sentence.
  • Contractions are helpful. To sound more conversational, say “we’re” instead of “we were” or “I don’t” instead of “I do not.”
  • Avoid using complicated words that are not used in normal communication.
  • Grammar rules of the written language can be omitted in the oral one.

“Like this. See? Got it? Hope so.” In live communication, people do not usually use full sentences with subjects and predicates.

  • To make sure the speech does not sound like an essay, one should read it aloud while writing it.

Using Specific Words and Examples

To grasp people’s attention one should use specific details. For example, a vague “Refugee policies need improvement” is not so effective as “We need to develop more effective and fair refugee policies.”

Get The Facts Together

To make the audience believe the speaker is competent in the topic of the speech, one should do proper research. For example, one focuses on the problem of the environment. Stating general facts like cutting down on the use of plastic is good. However, adding some statistical data or more specific facts would be very helpful. For example, How much plastic garbage is in the ocean? What are the most effective ways to cut it? To study the topic one can use the Internet or go to the library.

To persuade the audience, the speaker should provide some strong arguments with the trust of the listeners and stay focused. Tangential speech or circumstantial speech will never win the attention of the listeners.

In the case of a persuasive speech, one can choose many topics to focus on. However, the best option is to choose the subject one is aware of. It can cover any important issue. For instance, the rights of refugees, providing free medical services, or education. Some people worry about animals and their rights. The others want to make sure that equal opportunities are available to everyone. The topic should demonstrate what the speaker cares about and what this person can do to improve the current situation.

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Classic Structure of the Persuasive Speech

A persuasive speech outline is usually based on the classic “problem-solution” structure. It is not a symbolic speech, but a clear statement. First, a speaker presents a problem and explains why it is important and why it should be solved. The second part of the speech focuses on what should be done to improve the identified situation and solve the mentioned issue. It is usually helpful to use statistical data and strong facts to persuade the audience. In some cases, quoting some well-known and respected people is also very effective in persuading the listeners.

Make it Simple

The first version of any speech is a draft. After writing it, the author should read it and remove the redundant words. Deleting unnecessary details makes the speech more focused and clear. The simpler the speech the clearer the message.

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