Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I get a guarantee that I will get the desired grade?

    Our company never guarantees grades, because only professors are responsible for putting them. However, we guarantee a serious approach to making the writing process efficient by ensuring plagiarism-free papers, a free revision option, as well as authenticity and premium quality of content.

  • Does your company guarantee privacy? Will any order details be shared with others?

    Our company has a strict confidentiality and data security policy. We are always responsible for any personal or contact details you share with us and we never disclose them to anyone. Even customers do not know who their writers are and vice versa.

  • I don’t want to share my private phone number. Why is it obligatory?

    It is actually not obligatory but highly recommended. When our company’s administration and customer support have your phone number, they contact you in urgent cases or when you are not responding to the messages on the website. Therefore, leaving your phone number makes communication clearer and more effective.

  • Can your writers help me with urgent papers?

    Certainly! Our writers can work under stress and they are well familiar with dealing with urgent papers. So, you can first contact the customer support team, ask them whether your deadline is manageable at all and whether there are available writers who can manage the task.

  • How can I be sure that my order has been assigned to one of your writers?

    You can keep track of the order status in your personal profile. When the status says, “Payment Verification,” it means that the payment is still in the checking process or it has not been successful yet. If the status is “Processing,” it means that a writer has been assigned to your order or he or she is working on your task. If the status says, “Completed” or “Sent,” you can go to your cabinet and download the completed order.

  • Can I ask for a paper draft?

    Yes, definitely, but keep in mind that this is an extra-paid option. A draft is usually one page long. You writer delivers it after half the total deadline passes.

  • Am I granted only one free revision within the free revision period?

    No, you are unlimited in the number of the revision options you can send within the free revision period.

  • Why can’t I proceed with the order payment?

    If you cannot successfully pay for the order and you keep receiving the “payment failure” notification, authorization error or others, try using another browser or device, or just reload the website. If these do not help, try contacting the company or your bank to clear out the matter.

  • What should I know about your pricing policy?

    The pricing policy is flexible and depends on a number of factors. First of all, the total sum depends on the paper length that you need and the deadline you set. Furthermore, it varies depending on the academic complexity level, writing style, and other factors. To check out the total sum before placing the order with us, you can use the online calculator on the website. Also, you can ask the customer care agents to help you find out the price.

  • How can I get in touch with my assigned writer?

    It is possible to contact your assigned writer by using the direct messaging system in your personal account. In urgent cases, there is always an option to get in touch with customer support agents, who will then forward your message to the writer.

  • How will my order be processed in this company?

    If you order custom writing on our website, the most appropriate writers will be assigned to your paper. As soon as you pay for the needed services, we will start searching for the writer with suitable qualifications. When the paper is completed, we will send it to you by e-mail. In addition, you can download it from your account.

  • How much do you charge for a reference list and cover page?

    We provide a title page, an outline (on request), an abstract, a table of contents, and references free of charge. If needed, you can request a free plagiarism report from the Support Team. While placing the order, you should indicate the number of pages without title and works cited page

  • Why should I deal with you?

    Students all over the world tend to experience heavy academic loads and high tuition fees. They frequently have to combine their studies with earning money for a living. At the same time, writing assignments can be time-consuming, which is the main reason why many students start looking for assistance with their papers. It is hard to ignore the fact that a poor mark for a single writing assignment can significantly spoil a student’s academic performance. We want to ease your academic burden. Thus, we invite you to use our writing services and buy custom papers at fairly cheap price rates.

  • Do you practice storing orders in a database and selling prewritten papers?

    No, we don’t. All custom works we deliver are written anew adhering to the requirements our customers provide. We would like to emphasize that we never put our clients at risk since we do not resell their best papers or post them on the Web.

  • What should I do to order custom writing from this company?

    Visit the order page on our website. There you can specify the topic of your paper, its deadline, volume, and the number of sources needed. Please, provide us with your comments about all specific needs and preferences you have regarding your writing. Feel free to inform us about details such as the course title, preferred citation style, and the type of needed writing. Your instructions are essential for the successful completion of your order.

  • How do you format custom papers you deliver?

    We format papers using such styles as MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard, Turabian, etc. What is more, we use internationally accepted academic writing standards: Double/ Single spacing; Times New Roman font, 12 pt; Margins equal to 1 inch on each side

  • Is there any chance that my paper will be posted on the Web as a sample?

    If you order a paper from, it will be unique and never shared with any other parties. It is a piece of cake for our writers to compose an essay. If we need a sample to post on our website, one of our writers will write a new one easily.

  • How good are the writers of this company?

    All our writers hold academic degrees and have at least 5 years of experience in professional academic writing. A lot of Ph.D. writers work for us. It allows us to do assignments in any discipline and of any academic level.