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In every discipline, a theoretical framework is one of the important aspects. Particularly, these frameworks help in understanding the underlying concepts and theories that may not be developed on a profound basis. For instance, in nursing, principles lay the foundation of well-researched, ethical practice, and professional actions. Therefore, the theoretical framework acts as the guideline for every activity conducted by professionals. Some of the underlying nursing theories include need theory, unitary human beings, and self-care theory (Fawcett & Desanto-Madeya, 2012). This paper discusses and analyzes how theoretical frameworks are developed taking into consideration the basic principles of nursing supporting theoretical framework and the importance of proper understanding of such framework since it helps in developing a well-research contributing to positive changes in the nursing department.
Theoretical Framework for Nursing Research and Learning
Firstly, when developing a theoretical framework for nursing research and learning, knowledge from different fields is highly required. The nursing theories and education, as well as broad knowledge of borrowed disciples such as Philosophy and Chemistry, are applied when implementing a theoretical framework in nursing. The set frameworks are guidelines for assisting in solving problems in the discipline. Therefore, broad theoretical knowledge from different disciplines helps in supporting nursing practices.
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Furthermore, the theoretical framework provides the best results when developing nursing practices. In nursing, many types of research are conducted by application of well-known theories. The discipline depends on many theories established to test their variables. Consider a nurse undertaking research on psychological stages (Polit & Beck, 2013). The nurse may not be satisfied concerning that issue, or it may be his or her preferred center of study. Consequently, this makes it necessary to work on the matter and apply it to test of results of the research. When explaining their findings, the researchers have to consider Freud’s position on the psychosexual theory of development (Fawcett &Desanto-Madeya, 2012). The case where nurses use the existing theory to explain or to expound their research is called the theoretical framework.
In the therapeutic discipline, it can be noticed that most of its works involve repeated processes. It is hard to find diseases that may not appear as the result of other conditions. Moreover, when examining or determining the cause of illness or research on nursing practices, existing explanations on the same issue are studied. The theoretical framework is essential in such cases of nursing research as it leads to broader knowledge on the same subject. The concepts developed before by scientific theorists guide in explaining the relationship existing between the current study and the previous research (Kozier, 2008). In most cases, a theoretical framework is based on one major theory but shows the direct relation to other existing concepts or broader knowledge of human life.
Furthermore, Orem’s Self-care Deficit Theory helps nurses to ensure that they assist patients in providing self-care. It is not only research work that the theoretical framework presupposes but also at the provision of service. This theory helps nurses to evidence-based nursing practices and education that assist them to care for their patients and practices. Orem’s theory is important as it determines the kind of agency, demands, and practices needed to help in the provision of excellent services to patients (Queirós, Vidinha, & Almeida, 2014). The relationship underlying the conceptual and theoretical framework helps in supporting Orem’s theory as well as guides nurses to develop and practice good services in their line of duty.
Theoretical Frameworks Help in Achieving the Meta-Paradigm for Nursing
In nursing practices, theoretical frameworks help in achieving the meta-paradigm for nursing. Meta-paradigm describes how the concepts or theories are applied to each disciple of nursing as well as their perspective (Harris, Eccles, Ward, & Whyte, 2012). The dignity and academic respect for those who did past work are regarded. Consequently, it made such people well established and respected for the work they did. Person, nursing, health, and environment are considered as the four central concepts in the medical nursing department. Each concept plays a significant role in developing a well dignified human life. The nurses are, therefore, supposed to follow the guidelines in the framework to ensure that the ideas are recognized. In most cases, each approach outlines the phenomena of interest that deal with nursing issues differently.
What is more, some of the theories guide nurses in the development and mobilization of clinical and statistical programs. Each research helps in examining how the nursing concepts assist in providing well statistical values established after research. The four major concepts in nursing help in determining the statistical findings in the medical department (Harris et al., 2012).
Similarly, the theoretical framework helps nurses ask required and problematic questions. When the framework is well understood and its standards maintained, the nurses are, therefore, required to ask several questions during their practices. Particularly, questions may include one’s view of human life and what it means to be a caring and respectful human (Kozier, 2008). When constantly practiced and considered, the theoretical framework will help nurses to care for patients and perform their duties in a dignified manner.
The integrated theoretical framework is developed to aid in active intervention between the nursing program and the environment. Most of these frameworks are drawn up by a multidisciplinary team of scholars who have been in the sphere for a long time (Harris et al., 2012). The integrated theoretical framework serves as a guide for making both clinical and administrative decisions. Moreover, this structure acts as the basis for philosophy in nursing and facilitates communication between the patients and colleagues. In many hospitals, the structures are set into play especially during research.
In conclusion, the theoretical framework is necessary for nursing general development and daily practices. Moreover, it helps nurses to develop a well-research in their education and to ensure that they respect and show dignity to the previous work of scholars. Therefore, the theoretical framework concept is important for nurses to understand.
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